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|| PROPOSITION || #2 || 2.02 THRU 2.0272 ||

|| 2.02 || Objects are simple .

|| 2.0201 || Every statement about complexes can be resolved into a statement about their constituents and into the propositions that describe the complexes completely .

|| 2.021 || Objects make up the substance of the world . That is why they cannot be composite .

|| 2.0211 || If the world had no substance , then whether a proposition had sense would depend on whether another proposition was true .

|| 2.0212 || In that case we could not sketch any picture of the world ( true or false ) .

|| 2.022 || It is obvious that an imagined world , however different it may be from the real one , must have something โ€” a form โ€” in common with it .

|| 2.023 || Objects are just what constitute this unalterable form .

|| 2.0231 || The substance of the world can only determine a form , and not any material properties . For it is only by means of propositions that material properties are represented โ€” only by the configuration of objects that they are produced .

|| 2.0232 || In a manner of speaking , objects are colourless .

|| 2.0233 || If two objects have the same logical form , the only distinction between them , apart from their external properties , is that they are different .

|| 2.02331 || Either a thing has properties that nothing else has , in which case we can immediately use a description to distinguish it from the others and refer to it ; or , on the other hand , there are several things that have the whole set of their properties in common , in which case it is quite impossible to indicate one of them .

For if there is nothing to distinguish a thing , I cannot distinguish it , since otherwise it would be distinguished after all .

|| 2.024 || Substance is what subsists independently of what is the case .

|| 2.025 || It is form and content .

|| 2.0251 || Space , time , and colour ( being coloured ) are forms of objects .

|| 2.026 || There must be objects , if the world is to have an unalterable form .

|| 2.027 || Objects , the unalterable , and the subsistent are one and the same .

|| 2.0271 || Objects are what is unalterable and subsistent ; their configuration is what is changing and unstable .

|| 2.0272 || The configuration of objects produces states of affairs .