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In the morning or at any time , when you begin to practise the methods pointed out in this book , your mind will merge into a state of divinity , ecstasy , super-consciousness .

When that state is reached , do not continue repeating OM . Stop ; let that state remain as long as it pleases ; gradually the worldly or body-consciousness will come up of itself .

Dont force anything ; dont force the repetition of OM .

When that state is reached , the body-consciousness will come up readily .

It may be that many of you may be able to remain in that state of super-consciousness for half an hour , perhaps for one , two , or three hours or more ; but tomorrow you will be able to keep up that state for a longer time . ­Day after day the time will increase until in this way gradually by slow degrees your spiritual power will increase .

Rama does not advise those who are beginners in this practice to devote more than half an hour to this . Rama advises that they should limit themselves to 20 or 25 minutes of this practice , but those who have engaged in this practice before will of themselves increase the length of time which they devote to this practice .

In general the rule is that the most spiritually minded and those persons who have already done something in this line of thought will realize more than those who are beginners .

The more you are interested and intensified with this thought beforehand , the more you will like to remain in that state for a longer period .

One thing more : when you begin to concentrate the mind , and realize your GOD-consciousness , some idea or ideas will spring up before your mind . At that time go on chanting OM and at the same time take up this thread of thought which makes its appearance in your mind and finish it .

At the time when one is chanting OM and has the Holy Infinite around one , when one's mind is determined to make spiritual progress , if a worldly thought comes up , that thought ought to be concluded in such a way that it may , in future life , be a state of conduct .

Now pay attention to this , and whether you have ever experienced these things or not , they will come up , and these thoughts are apt to oppose you and Rama's words will be of benefit .

Suppose you begin to chant OM , and while chanting it , the thought of love or hatred for some object comes up . There the idea was that this thought should not have intruded and obstructed your onward flight .

What shall you do with this thought ? Take it up and eradicate it , root it out from your mind forever .

How ? This thought will be rooted out by knowledge only . The thought of hatred enters the mind , take it up , begin to realize and dissect it , find out its true cause ; you will always see that the true cause is ignorance , weakness , this self-attributing " I " to the body , the idea of " I am the body " , etc .

Ignorance of this kind is always the cause of these intruding thoughts entering while one is concentrating the mind .

In such cases Rama says , analyze these thoughts and through knowledge eradicate them and continue chanting OM .

While chanting OM , make strong resolutions and firm determinations to withstand all these thoughts in the future , make firm resolutions to overcome all these selfish motives in the future .

These strong determinations and firm resolutions once made , will build up your character and strengthen your moral sight ; your ethical power will be of great aid to you in moving about in the world , in your worldly business .

Suppose about half an hour is spent in eradicating that idea , in strengthening and overcoming that thought in chanting OM , and suppose all the time is taken up in overcoming that thought or idea and there is no time to get into the state of super-consciousness , nevermind .

If the super-conscious state be not reached that day , nevermind , it will come some other day .

If on that day one evil thought has been overcome , your character is strengthened ; if you are enabled to resist and overcome temptation in this life , you have a lovely character for the future and that is enough in itself . Thus will your character be formed , and thus will your spiritual powers be enhanced day after day .

As to your concentration , let it come or not . Sometimes even hankering after Realization or Truth is a drawback , a hindrance to achieving that state .

Some people say " O , we want some method of concentrating the mind , some method of Realization . We dont want lectures , we dont want reading matter " .

Those people are mistaken .

What is the obstruction which clouds your way , which keeps you away from this Divinity , this GOD-consciousness , Realization ?

It is your ignorance , and what is ignorance ?

Doubts , misgivings , worldly notions , false ideas , these are ignorance . False ideas , worldly thoughts , evil propensities are ignorance , these are the clouds which obstruct your progress . Lack of faith is ignorance .

One who doubts not as to one's oneness with GOD is always in a trance .

It is your doubts and misgivings which keep your minds in a wandering condition , it is your doubts which lead you astray .